We tried time and time again to set dates for getting our house on the market before the holidays came around and continually missed the mark. First it was the HOA process for the addition, then it was carpet installation delays, and there was general procrastination and overwhelming weariness that left tasks unfinished... Eventually, somewhere around Thanksgiving, Rachel and I had a chat and realized we were pushing too hard to make this happen too soon and probably needed to back off. So we put everything on hold and did our best to enjoy the Christmas season, each other, friends, dates, and life without real estate deadlines. It did our souls much good to press pause on this process and take time for these things, we have really enjoyed the last month and truly rang in the new year with celebration and peace.
After all of this goodness we have re-focused, taken a high level look at what we hope to accomplish through this transition and re-entered the fray. Tomorrow we are both going to be off work and have a few tasks to finish before having the Realtor over on the weekend. I called him yesterday and he is scheduled to come by on Sunday afternoon. So that gives us Wednesday and also some time Saturday to button things up.
In addition to this we're back online searching the house inventory to see what we might be able to find for a really reasonable price. We will begin looking at some houses soon. There is an air of excitement again in all of this as we look forward to a changed life but also a sense that we still have a lot of work to do. Hopefully things fall together here and the timing of it all works out, time will tell.
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