While reading her blog I found out about a giveaway she is having. She's giving away a hand-painted "Sunset" resin pendant necklace (I could give as a gift to my wife) and will put in your name twice if you blog about it. So basically the rebirth of me blogging is nothing but selfishness.
Sorry to disappoint.
So as to not make this post completely about me winning a free gift for my wife I thought I would post some additional information about another artistic entrepreneur I have the privilege of knowing in this fabulous area. Her name is Holly and she's a photographer. You can view some of her amazing photos on her website. She has had the opportunity to travel to a lot of great places and obviously has camera en tow so she can capture the beauty and give others the chance to take it in. We once caught her work at a first Friday art show in downtown Raleigh. My wife has a favorite picture (it's the colorful, swirl tile one) and again, hopefully one day I will have the chance to present her with a gift from a local artist that I appreciate.
So that's my bit on some local artists I know and enjoy, I hope to get to know many many more from around here as Durham and the surrounding cities are very artistic. I also hope to win Ruth's giveaway!