Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Time to move on...

I'm writing this post to officially announce to whoever still reads this stuff that we'll soon be moving from Springfield, IL to Raleigh/Durham, NC. Pastor Eric told the family of iWorshipCenter on Sunday morning so the news is "out there."
For the last two months or so we have gone through the process of informing our family, some of our closest friends and now there's no reason for the info to be completely public.

We are going to North Carolina with the goal of starting a new church in an area that is being overrun by postmodern young adults. For the last 3 1/2 years I have been reading about and researching this area and there has been a growing dream in me to reach the people there. The Lord has really moved on my heart and it has come to the point where I can no longer deny that it is time to start seeing these dreams become a reality. Rachel and I are in one heart and both of our lives have really been pointing in new directions for a while now. It's a strange feeling and almost a confusing one but people who love us have been walking with us as we head down this new path. It's not too often that you pick up your life and move 850 miles to a new state and region of the country and it is such a great thing to have God guiding us along the journey and family & friends joining in support.

We have been in Springfield for more than five years now, me coming in June 2001 and Rachel joining me in May 2002 after our wedding and we couldn't say enough about how great the time here has been. We've been a part of something special here and consider it a privilege to have served alongside such amazing people. Some of our very closest friends are here and it will be very difficult to leave.

We are currently trying to sell our house here and find one in NC. We hope to be there by March and are continuing to have faith in God and see each and every detail work out perfectly. There are a lot of details that I didn't want to hash out on a blog post so if you want more info let me know. We're obviously excited about this new adventure and as with anything of this magnitude we welcome your prayers. A special thank you to those of you who have already reminded us you're praying.
