Saturday, December 31, 2005

Holiday time in Minnesota

Having a great time in MN. We had a few inches of snow fall the day after we arrived. Got to go over to my little bro's house and ride around on his snowmobile. It was a blast! Tonight is the famed new years eve..."should auld acquaintance be forgot" ... and we're ringing it in with my big bro & sister-in-law going to dinner, a movie (King Kong) and possibly a some time by the fire back here at mom & dad's. New Year's resolutions...well, haven't really been into that for quite some time. Just continuing to live day by day, trying to make the most of my time here. Livin' and lovin' it, I try to say. Years come and go, we run out of time yet still have plenty of it...funny that way life is. (sounded a little like Yoda there.) Abe Lincoln (whom my town calls it's favorite son) once said, "the best thing about life is that is comes one day at a time." True, true. Peace...on earth.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Our very own!

Wow, how fun is this. It's our own blog. is the place to find the most recent and most frequent updates as to what is going on in our lives. I know it seems impersonal, but if you have a problem with that then call us and come visit for a few days, then we can be more personal. :) Anyway, please feel free to register, post, reply, etc.

And peace be with you!
